Humphries Orthodontics Hours of Operation

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We are happy to announce that we are publishing the Humphries Orthodontics hours of operation calendar so that our patients have yet another resource to find out where we will be and during which hours on any given day day of the week. The calendar is accurate up to four months in advance. You may view the calendar in a web browser by clicking here or you may subscribe to the calendar by clicking here.. At this time the link has not been added directly to the main Web site although it is our goal to have the link there soon.

We hope that this is just another resource that patients and their families find helpful. It is always our goal to make every aspect of your orthodontic treatment as pleasant as possible. We understand that, now more than ever, our patients and their families have very busy schedules. We want to make every effort to make scheduling your orthodontic visits as simple as possible. We hope this helps!

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