The Humphries Orthodontics Newsletter
Throughout the course of each year I keep a running list of ideas to improve our offices. One of the things on the list for 2012 was an office newsletter. So, I sat down over the New Year’s weekend and created a digital newsletter. The idea is to publish anything relevant to our patients and their orthodontic care so that everybody is informed as to what is going on in the office. I really noticed the need for a newsletter as the staff began to grow and patients began to question the new faces in the office.
The newsletter serves as a vehicle for me to relay any important information to all of our patients. It is my hope that our patients and their families find this information helpful. I intend on publishing the letter on a quarterly basis.
I would like to wish all of our patients and their families a Happy New Year. I cannot wait to implement some of my other ideas for the office over the course of the year!
Dr. Humphries